- Click into your DOCUMENTS section.
- Click the purple + DOCUMENT button in the left menu box.
- Fill in the name and description of the benefits document.
- Select if you would like to feature it (this means it will show up on all your employees' dashboard).
- You also have the option to select a date for the document to stop being featured.
- Keep the Status set to "Active".
- If you would like employees to sign off that they have read and received this document, toggle Electronic Signature to "Yes".
- Use the drop-down menu if you want to select only specific employees to see the document (by default all employees can see a document).
- Add any searchable tags you would like to associate with this document (like "Benefits").
- You can either type in the details of the document (you can use one of our pre-made templates if you'd like) or upload an existing PDF.
- Remember to SAVE DOCUMENT.