One of the first things to do as an administrator is to customize your General Settings to better suit your organization.
- Go to your SETTINGS tab and stay on GENERAL SETTINGS.
- General Settings includes the ability to edit your company's:
- Date & Time Settings.
- Employee Benefits
- Provide values and % of coverage for individuals, couples, and families.
- Employment Perks
- Add additional perks that your employees receive such as a wellness fund, etc.
- Paid Benefits, such as EI, CPP, WCB, Statutory holidays, etc.
- Time Off Labels
- Choose which Time Off options you want to use by toggling the "Enable" button.
- You have the option to rename each Time Off type (including "Other") by typing the title in the available text boxes. I.e., change "sick days" to "wellness days".
- Choose if you want each vacation type to carry over into the new calendar year by clicking on the "Enable Carry Over" toggle.
- If there is a maximum allowed carry over per year, fill in the amount in the Max Carry Over column.
- Use up to five additional vacation types by naming the "other" categories.
- Set a date to have the system force employees to update/confirm their profile information on the bottom right.
- Click the blue SAVE SETTINGS button to save your changes.