This could include logging any changes to benefits, employment perks, salary, who the person reports to, etc. Please note: Only Administrators can access employee sensitive information including the Employment and Compensation tabs.
- Click into your PEOPLE section.
- Click on the name of the employee you would like to update information for.
- Click the EMPLOYMENT tab.
- Click on the purple EDIT EMPLOYMENT button.
- Update any information such as:
- Position
- Division
- Employment Type
- Who they Report To
- Employee #
- Employment Start / End Date
- Location
- Benefits
- Salary
- Bonuses
- Time Off Entitlement
- Scroll down and click the blue button to SAVE EMPLOYEE.
- Note: If you want to add an updated salary, bonus or time off entitlement, do not edit existing employee salaries, bonuses, or time off entitlements. Instead, add a new entry with the "as of" date set to the date that the amount changes. This way you can track changes over time.